Star Wars Rebels skin pack hits Minecraft for Xbox

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Star Wars Rebels Minecraft

Minecraft players on Xbox can now boost their very own Star Wars galaxy with a new downloadable skin pack.

Following the launch of the Classic Pack of characters in November, Microsoft has teamed up with Disney and Lucasfilm to add a Rebels Pack into the mix (via Xbox Wire).

That means Minecraft gamers on Xbox 360 and Xbox One will be able to make use of the characters from the Star Wars Rebels cartoon on Disney XD.

Rebels is set five years prior to Episode IV: A New Hope and charts the early days of the rebellion against The Empire.

Minecrafters can play as 23 characters including Ezra Bridger, Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus and Chopper, the crew of the starship Ghost.

Read more: Minecraft tips and tricks

The $2.99 pack is available to download now and follows Microsoft’s purchase of Mojang, the Minecraft developer, in September 2014.

Since that time, two Star Wars skin packs and The Simpsons DLC pack have arrived on Xbox and an edition for Windows Phone has been launched.

Late last year, Mojang also announced a story mode will launch sometime in 2015. Just this week the company finally allowed players to choose their usernames too.