Google’s latest music push could be YouTube Radio

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Despite many missteps in recent years Google is still striving to find the right musical formula.

It’s latest experiment is happening right now on YouTube according to reports, with some users seeing a YouTube Radio feature.

As the Google Operating System blog reports (via Android Police), YouTubers will be able to create a ‘non-stop radio station’ based on the current video.

Just like most of the other successful streaming solutions out there, YouTube Radio users will be able to customise their playlist by liking, disliking and skipping videos.

The feature differs slightly from the current YouTube Mix feature which creates a playlist based around the user’s listening habits over time.

While that represents a cross section of the listener's tastes this feature will offer users the chance to hear more of the same, if it ever graduates beyond testing.

Read more: YouTube Music Key confirmed

Google’ experiments with music have been well documented in recent years. It’s Play Music All Access streaming and cloud storage platform was a muddled failure, while it’s long-anticipated YouTube Music Key platform has so far failed to engage consumers.

It may be that YouTube Radio is built into Music Key at some point as it seeks to build a credible, video-based alternative to streaming Goliaths like Spotify.