Japanese robots are taking over the hotel lobby

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Robot Hotel

More attractive than C-3PO, at least...

A hotel staffed by robots is about to open in Japan, seemingly in an effort to shut us flesh-and-bone folk by out of hospitality employment for good.

The Henn-na Hotel will open its doors to the public on July 17 this year, caterting to holidaymakers’ needs with its robo-concierge.

The hotel will have 10 robo-staff at first, but President Hideo Sawada wants ‘more than 90 per cent of hotel services operated by robots’ eventually.

The 72-room hotel’s droids will greet you upon entry, hoof your luggage about the complex, and even clean up your mess after you check out.

What’s more, the all-female staffers can speak four languages, namely Japanese (obviously), Chinese, Korean, and English. They can even make eye contact and respond to your body language and tone of voice.

Would you hand over your luggage to a futuristic lobby-bot? Let us know in the comments.