Apple lets drug app slide with new location restrictions

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App Store

Apple has just reinstated a social networking app for marijuana users to its app store after proposing new guidelines for drug-related apps.

Massroots, previously barred from the store two weeks ago for encouraging ‘excessive consumption of alcohol or illegal substances’, is now available on the app store again.

There’s a caveat however – the app is only available in the 23 US states that have legalised medicinal cannabis use.

This means that users who want to log into the app will have to verify their location as being within one of those particular states.

The new rules make use of your iPhone’s location services to track users, in order to ensure the apps aren’t promoting breach of state law. This ‘hard geofence’ is due to go live tomorrow, as reported by MacRumors.

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A tremendous amount of responsibility has just been placed on MassRoots,” wrote the app’s creators in a blog post. “We have a duty to show the world that cannabis consumption can be done in a safe and responsible manner in compliance with state laws and federal enforcement guidelines.”

“We do not take this task lightly. Over the coming weeks, we will be implementing new features to strengthen our compliance even beyond what is currently required.”

They added: “To our users, supporters, investors, advertisers, and Apple: thank you. We will not let you down.”

It’s not clear whether Apple will offer the same location-based workaround for other marijuana apps.