Mirror's Edge 2 features teased by EA

EA Games has teased some additional details for Mirror's Edge 2, without revealing the game's release date.

During EA Games' E3 2014 press conference, the publisher provided fans with a few more details on the game, highlighting the title's focus on free-running.

The publisher has consulted Parkour runners to build upon the free-running mechanics featured in the original game, as it knows "Mirror’s Edge is a game that is very focused on movement."

Although "everything is geared towards traversing", Mirror's Edge 2 will give you a little more versatility as to how you do that.

Some gamers may wish to find the quickest and most direct route to a goal, but other gamers, possibly those not familiar with the game, may wish to find alternative routes that might be slower, but less fraught with danger.

"You know that you can get there, but how? What is it that Faith can do?" said developer DICE. "It’s important for us that everyone who wants to play the game can play the game."

As for the combat, Faith's punches, kicks and other strikes will be "very tight, controlled hits. We’re talking about Faith’s power and proficiency.”

The storyline of Mirror's Edge 2 was only lightly touched on during the presentation but the game will definitely expand on who Faith is as a person.

"This is a girl that tattooed her eye. She did it for a reason", teased EA.

Read more: Best games 2014