Netflix adds social recommendations and Android Wear integration to Android app

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Netflix has added a bunch of new features, including social recommendations, to its Android app.

Back in September, the video streaming service introduced a new Social Recommendation feature to a number of platforms, including iOS, but omitting Android. Now that's been addressed in a new Android app update.

Netflix has confirmed on its blog that it's now possible for Android users to privately recommend shows and films to your contacts.

If Android owners are peeved at playing second fiddle to iOS on this update, Netflix has shown that it cares with some new features especially for the Google OS.

The first relates to push notifications, with added images and action buttons that let you watch, get more info, and thank friends for recommendations from the main swipe-down menu.

Netflix has also announced that it's added Android Wear integration to its Android app. You can now get alerts on your wrist when you receive a recommendation through Netflix. When you get these recommendation, you can also use your watch to "watch, thank, play, or get more details on the show."

Just to clarify, you can't actually watch Netflix content on your Android Wear watch. That would just be awful. Rather, you can trigger the video on your phone from your watch.

This new version of the Netflix app is available now on the Google Play Store.

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