Football Manager 2014 Beta available to download now

Football Manager 2014 isn't officially released for PC, Mac or Linux until October 31, but the Beta is now available to download.

Fans who've pre-ordered the game can bag the test version from the website over the next couple of weeks.

As well as getting a sneak peek at the updated software, early gamers can get a head start on the competition as their careers will be carried over into the full game.

This latest instalment of FM was announced in mid-August with Sports Interactive claiming that it had 1,000 improvements including more realistic transfers and contracts and more sophisticated board interaction. Plus, Football Manager 2014 PS Vita edition will be the first mobile version of the game to support a 3D match engine.

"Players can now take charge of their team anywhere they can access a home computer," said Sports Interactive’s studio director Miles Jacobson when the game was launched.

"And with huge improvements to existing features plus the addition of loads of new stuff, can have the best Football Manager experience to date while doing so."

As the beta isn't yet complete, SI has advised players that it might have some issues and has posted a list of known problems on its site.

The list includes in-match problems such as goalkeepers making poor save attempts and players back passing wildly. There are also managerial issues like staff not making the best team selection and assistants subbing players earlier than specified. In addition, off the pitch "sugar daddies" might be too generous with cash input.

Users have also been writing their own problems on the Football Manager 14 forum including a number of complaints about the programme crashing while loading matches.

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