PS4 Share Play to be limited to 60 minute sessions

Sony’s PS4 Share Play, which allows gamers to share titles with friends over the internet, will be restricted to 60 minute sessions the company has confirmed.

Although the service will allow gamers to play titles they don’t own, for free, these time limitations could prove rather restrictive for those enjoying a bit of co-op action.

For those out of the loop, Sony has described Share Play as a ‘virtual couch’ which will enable “an online local co-op experience.”

Basically, the service will let PlayStation Plus members share games over the internet with a friend who doesn’t own the same title.

Discussing the service, Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida stated: How it works is, for example, say a friend has a game that I don’t, I ask them to let me play it. If they send me an invitation, I can access their PS4 and play while watching the video that is streamed.”

Despite the time restrictions on single sessions, Sony has suggested that there will be no limits on the number of times games can be played through Share Play.

Share Play will be introduced later this year as part of the upcoming PS4 2.0 update.

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Via: GameSpot