Battlefield Hardline gameplay trailer leaked online

The first Battlefield Hardline gameplay trailer has been leaked online, showing early footage of the game.

According to the video, Battlefield Hardline features the single player “Omaha” campaign created by Visceral Games. In this you’ll play as Nick Mendosa, a young Miami detective who “gets caught up in his own personal struggle between right and wrong, cop and criminal.”

Nick travels across the US in an attempt to avenge his “once trusted” partner. The cast of Hardline includes a “rogue gallery of crooked cops and colourful criminals from chatterbox coke dealers to deranged billionaires.”

Each chapter of the campaign is constructed like an episode from a police cop drama, and features actors from top series like House of Cards.

The maps themselves are wider and larger than in previous Battlefield games and the enemy AI system has been redesigned from scratch.

The gameplay trailer reveals four Battlefield Hardline multiplayer modes, which go like this:

  • Bloodmoney – A team of cops battle against a group of criminals to locate a money stash and return it to the safehouse

  • Hotwire – Pretty much the Hardline version of police chases, you’ll need to play as the police as you chase car thieves across “large open environments”

  • Rescue – Infiltrate a building and rescue the hostages inside, playing as a group of SWAT officers. The people are being held by a group of criminals after a botched robbery

  • Heist – A team of criminals must try and break into a bank, blow up a vault and steal its content, while the team of cops must try and prevent the robbery

Also detailed in the trailer are the classes, loadouts and vehicles.

Battlefield Hardline will launch in the autumn, developed by Visceral Games (of Dead Space fame) and published by EA.

Read more: Battlefield 4 review