Windows 10: Start menu makes a return

The next version of Windows – Windows 10 – will return to its roots with a start menu that was famously missing from Windows 8.

Desktop users worldwide breathed a sigh of relief when the announcement was made during a press conference in San Francisco about Microsoft’s latest operating system. Microsoft also stunned unsuspecting journalists by telling them that the new version of Windows will be called Windows 10 and not Windows 9 as everyone expected.

Joe Belfiore, Corporate Vice President, Operating Systems Group at Microsoft, showed off the new Windows 10 start menu which adds tiles to the menu we know and love from Windows 7.

In fact Joe is clear that going back to the start menu is an effort to help those who have not, or will not, transition to Windows 8. "We're looking to find the balance, so that all the Windows 7 users get a familiar experience on the devices they already have… It gives the familiarity of Windows 7 with some of the elements of Windows 8." he explains.

The new Windows 10 start menu will be far more customisable than previous iteration. Users will have the ability to resize the tiles they choose to pin to it.

The start menu will also come with improved search functionality. Users will now be able to conduct a universal search from the start menu which will display internet search results as well as locally stored information. But we don’t know yet whether users will be able to select the search provider or if Microsoft’s Bing will be the search engine of choice.

Next read: iPhone 6 Plus review

Image credit: The Verge