BBM for Android getting suspicious Google Play reviews

BBM for Android

BBM for Android's dodgy reviews

BBM for Android has been getting some rather suspicious reviews on the Google Play Store, all bearing strikingly similar wording.

Despite the huge number of downloads BBM for Android and iPhone has already accrued in the short time since release, there have been a lot of rather odd reviews appearing on the Google Play Store.

The reviews in question are all 4- or 5-star affairs with the same broken English wording attributed to various users.

“Thank you so much blackberry team. I was waiting this app. Its really great user friendly and smooth”, read the various reviews.

It is unclear whether the reviews are an attempt to skew the app’s average rating on the Google Play Store, albeit a very obvious and co-ordinated one.

BBM and BlackBerry are both known to have a very loyal and passionate user base that would inevitably spot the reviews eventually, so it seems a bizarre choice for anyone to try and subvert the scoring system in such a way.

Of course, the Google accounts necessary to post a comment on the Google Play store mean that each of the so-called reviewers have a name tied to them.

“We have recently been made aware of a number of potentially fake five-star reviews of BBM for Android on Google Play. We do not approve of or condone such activities and are committed to working with Google to resolve this”, said Victoria Berry, Director of PR for BBM. “There are also many genuinely great and useful reviews for our new BBM users on Google Play.”

BBM for iPhone and Android has already surged to the top of App Store charts with 10 million downloads in just 24 hours.

“We would like to encourage our passionate fans and users to continue to provide true assessments of the BBM experience through the proper channels.”

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Via: Android Central