Twitch game broadcasting coming to iOS and Android

Twitch game broadcasting will come to iOS and Android thanks to a new software development kit (SDK).

The new SDK from Twitch will allow mobile game developers to build game broadcasting functionality straight into their apps for iOS and Android.

Any captured footage will then be able to be broadcast directly to Twitch.

You’ll also be able to broadcast videos of yourself using the smartphone’s front-facing camera and add audio commentary to your mobile broadcasts using the internal microphone.

The SDK could also let you change your broadcast quality and utilise chat options like emoticons.

Whether all of these features would be available for a particular title would be down to the choices made by the developer.

There is already a Twitch mobile app, which the company announced has already been installed on over 10 million Android and iOS devices.

“Our vision is to provide the Twitch community with the ability not only to view, but to broadcast live video game content wherever they are, whether they’re on the go or in the living room,” said Matthew DiPietro, Twitch marketing VP in a statement. “We’ve achieved that with our PC and console integrations, so the trifecta will soon be complete with our deep and concerted foray into mobile broadcasting.”

Unlike the Twitch service on Xbox One and PS4, the mobile adoption will be dependent on the developers making the game broadcasting function available in their apps.

Developers will be required to work with the Twitch SDK to implement the streaming abilities for individual games.

If you’re a developer and would like to discover more information, just head to the website.

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