GTA Online gains 10 new Rockstar Verified jobs made by community members

Rockstar Games has added 10 new Verified Jobs to GTA Online, available to gamers during Freemode.

The GTA Online Community was challenged by the developer to show off their best GTA Online creations during a Social Club event, with the chance to win GTA dollars and a special prize.

“Recently, we challenged the GTA Online community to show us their best Races and Deathmatches during our Social Club #CreatorWeekend for a chance at GTA$1 million and an exclusive GTA Online license plate,” explained Rockstar Games.

Give Creator Weekend selections along with five more Jobs from the community have now been Rockstar Verified and become part of the GTA Online experience.

“Once Jobs are Rockstar Verified, they become available during Freemode sessions for players across both Xbox 360 and PS3.”

The five new community selected Jobs include Twists and Twirls, a point-to-point race through Blaine County countryside from Vinewood Hills to the Galileo Observatory.

Another pays tribute to the legendary Stars in your Eyes track from GTA 4 and requires your fastest car for the highways of Los Santos. Plus you can also race on a recreation of the Monaco Grand Prix track GTA style, forcing to you brave the hairpins and unforgiving chicanes.

Winning tracks from the #CreatorWeekend selections include 4 Way Madness – a tight Downtown track spread over four blocks for airborne antics that Rockstar calls “deliciously cruel and marvellously cunning.”

There’s also the “painstakingly detailed” Laguna Seca recreation with its long straights and tight 270-degree turns that will really test your driving skills.

Moving out of Los Santos, Terry’s Hangout is a deathmatch located in a small cluster of buildings around a small airport hangar. The cover enables you to launch surprise attacks using the supplied assault shotguns, while if you manage to secure the top of the hangar of the air traffic control tower you may well dominate.

All ten new Rockstar Verified jobs have been added to the GTA 5 multiplayer for Xbox 360 and PS3.

Read more: GTA 5 Guide – Things to do in Los Santos