Xiaomi will store data outside of China to ease security concerns

Xiaomi has announced that it’s going to start storing user data outside of China.

The smartphone manufacturer has received criticism for storing international users’ data on its home soil, largely due to security concerns.

Yesterday Xiaomi revealed it would be making use of Amazon’s Amazon Web Services data centres in California, Oregon, and Singapore.

The changeover should take place before 2015, hopefully quelling international user concerns over potential data risks.

Xiaomi customers, security researchers, and even the Indian Air Force have all voiced concerns over user information being shipped off to the Chinese mainland.

Making use of Amazon servers could turn out to be a strong publicity move, and restore some public faith in the Chinese firm.

Security isn’t the only reason Xiaomi is making the move however. It’s very likely the company wants to reduce latency by using servers close to its user locations.

The firm has also gained recent notoriety for producing hardware and software that looks extremely similar to Apple offerings.

Earlier this month, Apple’s design lead Jony Ive slammed the Chinese firm for ‘theft’ of iPhone software and hardware design.

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