Facebook suffering from “status update” system outage

Facebook is currently suffering from a system outage that is affecting status updates, messages and timeline posts.

If you’re currently experiencing issues with posting status updates, timeline posts or messages on Facebook, you’re not alone as the social networking site is currently having a few major problems.

It’s unclear as yet whether all users are being affected with the issues, but everyone in our office is experiencing the same error messages.

When using the desktop version of Facebook, users are being presented with an error message stating: “There was a problem updating your status. Please try again in a few minutes.”

We tried to post an update on our TrustedReviews Facebook page and were issued with an error that reads: “The message could not be posted to this Timeline.”

There are also problems with sending private Facebook messages and posting anything on other people’s timelines at present.

Facebook has yet to respond to any of the issues, with no indication as yet as to when they will be fixed.

System outages on Facebook are pretty rare, but they are usually caused when a service or server is taken offline for some reason.

We’ll keep you posted of any updates.

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