Next Keyboard promises to speed up typing on an iPhone

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next keyboard

Your next keyboard?

Think your iPhone keyboard is as good as it can be? These guys disagree. They've made a replacement that's clearer and gives you more control. Check it out.

Next Keyboard promises to make you a faster typer, thanks to a few neat features. It has clearer distinction between upper and lower case for starters – hit Shift, and the on-key letters go from lower case to upper and vice-versa. Never again will you accidentally TYPE IN CAPS.

It also gives you more control over the cursor. Instead of jabbing the text, trying to position it just right, swipe along the Space key to move the cursor left or right. Swipe the Backspace button, and it'll delete all the text to the left of the cursor. Neat.

Emojis are one tap away, and it'll suggest which is most suitable based on what you type. You can swipe to type, like with Swype and the standard Android keyboard, and it boasts improved autocorrect.

Themes liven it up a bit, and it predicts which word you'll type next based on your previous messages. Instead of a dedicated button for switching to numbers, just long press any button to bring up the alternative keyboard. Each button has its own unique sound, so you can hear what you're typing.

Read more: Best iOS 8 keyboards

Apple recently allowed third-party keyboards for the iPhone, and this looks one of the best yet. It's sailed past its funding goal on Kickstarter, and should be available in February.