Samsung’s Q3 smartphone sales beat Apple, Huawei, Xiaomi combined

Samsung has managed to top out the market share charts for the third quarter of 2014, trumping iOS and Android rivals alike.

The South Korean firm bagged 24.4 per cent of smartphone share in Q3, which amounted to just north of 73 million units sold.

Apple meanwhile managed about half that, coming in at 12.7 per cent smartphone market share.

Interestingly, Samsung’s total smartphone units sold trumped the combined sales figures of Apple (38.2m), Huawei (15.9m), and Xiaomi (15.7m).

Despite this, Samsung’s market share for Q3 actually dropped, while Apple, Huawei, and Xiaomi all saw their shares rise.

Lenovo was close behind with 15 million units solid and 5 per cent market share, a fall from previous figures.

The new Q3 data comes courtesy of research firm Gartner, which also revealed information about how operating systems fared last quarter.

Android maintained its incredible lead, with 83.1 per cent of all smartphones sold in Q3 running the Google-powered OS.

Apple’s iOS ranked in second place with 12.7 per cent share in Q3 handsets, while Windows Phone came third with a much more meagre 3 per cent.

BlackBerry was fourth in the running, boasting just 0.8 per cent of last quarter’s market share for smartphones.

Of course, the really interesting figures will come out of the Q4 report, which should shed light on the continued impact of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, as well as any boost garnered from the release of the Galaxy Note 4.

Over the holidays we expect record sales of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, but we should not underestimate the Chinese vendors and local brands,” said Annette Zimmermann, research director at Gartner.

“Chinese players will continue to look at expanding in overseas emerging markets. In Europe, prepaid country markets and attractive low-cost LTE phones will also offer key opportunities for these brands.”

The firm revealed that global smartphone sales should reach 1.2 billion units by the end of the year.

Read More: Samsung Galaxy S6 release date

Via: Gartner