Google Play Music smart playlist recommendations hit UK

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Google Play music playlist

Google has brought its acquired playlist recommendation feature to Google Play Music in the UK.

UK users logging into Google Play Music today will find a few changes to the music streaming service. There is now a range of recommended thematically based playlists listed along the top of the Listen Now Page.

This currently includes music for Christmas, Brand New Music, Singing in the Shower, and The School Run, among others. Each, when clicked, breaks down into further options for specific genres and playlist styles.

Google Play Music's new playlist feature actually first rolled out in the US towards the end of October, and is only now finding its way to other countries - starting with the UK. These new contextual playlists come as a direct result of Google's acquisition of Songza back in July.

While Google's music streaming service has always had some attractive features, including the ability to upload your own tracks to the cloud for free, solid app performance, and a decent library of music, it's always lacked the personality and curation elements of rivals such as Spotify and Deezer.

Songza's suggested playlist incorporation is the biggest step yet towards addressing that particular shortfall. It incorporates simple curation from experts and learning from your own listening habits.

Naturally, the new playlist features are only available to Google Play Music subscribers. The service costs £9.99 per month, which gets you access to unlimited ad-free streaming and the new YouTube Music Key beta.

Read More: Best music streaming service

Via: TechCrunch