HBO goes after Periscope over Game of Thrones live-streams

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Game of Thrones episode 2

Game of Thrones show-maker HBO has issued the Twitter-owned Periscope app with take down notices, after the live-streaming app was used to broadcast new episodes of the show on Sunday night.

The U.S. cable network has demanded the footage recorded and uploaded by users must be taken down and has criticised the company for failing to do more to protect against piracy.

As per its current terms, Periscope only goes after unauthorised content when informed, rather than taking a front foot approach when combatting infringement.

In a statement, HBO told the Hollywood Reporter: "We are aware of Periscope and have sent takedown notices.

"In general, we feel developers should have tools which proactively prevent mass copyright infringement from occurring on their apps and not be solely reliant upon notifications."

Periscope’s terms of service, simply say the company will respond to notices “that comply with applicable law and are properly provided to us.”

Read more: What is Meerkat, the live streaming app causing a stir?

The issue once again raises talk of how the new wave of live-streaming app like Periscope and rival service Meerkat will be used by those skirting the law.

As well as concerns over televisual content, there has also been debate over their use at live sporting events.

A Major League Baseball executive recently denied the league planned to outlaw the use of live-streaming apps by fans during games.

A Wall Street Journal report, initially claiming MLB was looking to clamp down, retracted and said the league “has not articulated any plans to take action against fans who stream live video of baseball games."