Google Glass etiquette guide released, reminds you not to be a Glasshole

Google Glass

Sergey Brin knows not to be a Glasshole

Google has released a Google Glass etiquette guide for the dos and don’ts when wearing its smart glasses.

Developers and specially selected Google Glass “Explorers” have been experimenting with the device since Google I/O 2012, and should be available on the mass market later this year.

In preparation for that, Google has released an etiquette guide explaining how to behave when wearing Google Glass, taking advice from those who have had experience with the device – especially when out in public.

Of course, Google starts with the plus points of Google Glass, suggesting that it’s great for exploring the world around you.

Inevitably very aware of the privacy Google Glass issues, one Do is to “ask for permission” before you start filming or photographing others.

It’s the don’ts that provide the most comic relief though, with Google ending its etiquette guide with a reminder not to be a Glasshole.

Google also reminds users that Google Glass isn’t a replacement for your smartphone or other device and suggests you read War and Peace somewhere else.

“Glass was built for short bursts of information and interactions that allow you to quickly get back to doing the other things you love. If you find yourself staring off into the prism for long periods of time you’re probably looking pretty weird to the people around you.”

You also shouldn’t use Glass when doing activities like water skiing or cage fighting and don’t ignore any questions people ask you.

“Breaking the rules or being rude will not get businesses excited about Glass and will ruin it for other explorers.”

Read more: Google Glass – The Privacy Problem and how to solve it