Alcatel to demo first tablet with iris recognition at MWC 2014

Alcatel has announced it will demo the first tablet with iris recognition at MWC 2014 next week.

The tablet concept will be demonstrated as a joint project by Alcatel Onetouch and InTech at the Barcelona technology conference.

“Ensuring a great user experience is at the heart of how we design software and hardware. We work closely with our partners to develop new approaches like iris scanning and are pleased to demonstrate a working example at Mobile World Congress,” said Dan Dery, CMO at Alcatel OneTouch.

The tablet has a small iris recognition camera embedded within the device, plus an IR LED. This is combined with InTech’s “highly accurate” iris matching algorithm in order to integrate iris biometrics into the device.

Using InTech’s technology, the iris recognition can be used to authenticate applications, lock and unlock the device and even encrypt sensitive data that’s for your eyes only.

The concept device should demonstrate how easy it would be to use iris recognition in a tablet or smartphone and how it can be used to make your tech more secure.

“There will be a myriad of applications derived from iris recognition enabled mobile devices. We are glad of this opportunity to prove its feasibility. Our goal for this prototype is to define a new era for iris recognition technology generally and a benchmark for Iritech’s product particularly”, said Daniel Daehoon Kim, CEO of InTech.

Apparently, Alcatel and InTech plan to introduce more features for its iris recognition technology including second factor authentication for money transactions made on your device, one-tiime-password generations and even remote vehicle control.

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