Android Wear Wi-Fi support will ease the burden on Bluetooth

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bbm android wear

Google is reportedly planning an Android Wear update which would unlock Wi-Fi support for its range of smartwatches.

According to The Verge’s source, the update will allow Wi-Fi to take over when a Bluetooth connection is unavailable.

This will mean notifications and updates can still be delivered to the watch even if the wearer’s smartphone isn’t within range.

As the majority of Android Wear watches have built in Wi-Fi, the update will simply enable the connectivity at a software level.

The next software update will also introduce gesture control, according to the same source. Those rocking a Google-powered wearable will be able to cycle through notifications with a flick of the wrist, the report claims.

Google will also make it easier to access applications and contacts within the Android Wear UI, according to the source.

There’s no word yet on when Google will drop the Android Wear update, but given the impending arrival of the Apple Watch, the firm may be planning a swift pre-emptive strike.

Read more: Is the Apple Watch any better than Android Wear?

Android Wear continues to struggle to engage consumers with a reported 720,000 devices sold in the whole of 2014.

Recent reports have suggested the new Apple Watch may sell many units on day one as the combined total of Android Wear devices shifted to date.

Google, it seems, has plenty of work still to do if its wearable platform is to be considered a going concern.