Lifepower A2 is a portable wall socket for charging almost anything

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lifepower a2

Charges everything under the sun

There are plenty of portable chargers around, so how do you stand out from the crowd? This one charges almost anything, not just via USB.

It's called the Lifepower A2, and it's so versatile it's touted as a portable wall socket.

It features the same connections as said socket, so you can plug your laptop in and carry on working as if you were at home or in the office. You can also plug in your phone or tablet via USB, camera battery, and even a TV or amp.

Could come in handy during a power cut. Providing it's charged, that is.

It's about the size of a router, so it's not the most portable charger around, but will fit in a bag. Press a button and you'll see how much power it has. You juice it up from the mains, or by using solar power. It takes three hours to charge.

Read more: SmartWallet doubles as a mobile charger

The company claims you can charge a MacBook Pro just over once, getting an extra eight hours from it. It will charge an iPhone 6 10 times, giving you a whopping 146 more hours. The iPad Air will charge twice, giving 20 extra hours, while a Canon 5D MK2 will charge six and a half times, resulting in 13 more hours of shooting HD video. Impressive.

It will also power an LED TV for two hours before conking out.

It's already passed its $29,000 funding goal, and still has 28 days to go.