Xbox boss brands frame rate ‘significantly more important than resolution’

With the Xbox One still suffering from resolution shortcomings, Xbox head Phil Spencer has claimed that frame rate is actually more important to games.

Although confirming that Microsoft is working hard to bring the Xbox One in line with the resolution capabilities of the rival PS4, Spencer has suggested too much focus is being paid to the idea of 1080p games being a ‘mythical, perfect resolution’.

At present, a number of Xbox One games are running a 720p resolution while the PS4 is offering the same titles at 1080p.

"We have done a lot of work with our partners and we constantly evolve our development tools," Spencer said speaking with CVG. "We announced that Destiny will have the same resolution and frame rate on Xbox One as PS4. There is a long list of games. Reaching parity with our partners has been important."

He added: “In the end I don't want it to be about a number, because 1080p isn't some mythical, perfect resolution.

“Frame rate to me is significantly more important to gameplay than resolution and the mix of those two which brings the right art style and freedom, whether it's on PlayStation or our platform."

With the performance gaps between the PS4 and Xbox One often discussed when looking at new cross-platform games, Spencer has suggested that certain genres will benefit from a higher resolution more than others.

"Clearly some genres like with racing sims like Forza, hitting 1080p/60fps is important.

“There are certain genres where there's an expectation, but there are also other genres where I'd rather use the cycles to put more effects on screen or better lighting. I've got to put the tools in the hands of developers.

"I want to put the tools in the hands of the artists and not try to math it that there's some sort of [mathematical] answer for what the right resolution and frame rate is for a game - because there isn't.”

Despite Spencer’s arguments to the contrary, resolution remains an important comparison point for a lot of games – even if it is a physiological reaction to numbers on paper rather than physical, visible differences.

Read More: Xbox One vs PS4