Xbox One online requirements and used game issues clarified

Microsoft has set up a website to explain some of the burning questions surrounding its controversial new console, the Xbox One.

The same new Xbox Wire blog that detailed the console's new 'Low Power State' controller also contains information on the console's online requirements and the potential for transferring used games.

On the online front, it's been confirmed that the Xbox One will require access to the internet every 24 hours in order for you to continue gaming. If you're offline for longer than that, you'll be able to use the console only to watch TV, DVDs or Blu-rays.

Interestingly, as all of your game purchases and progress are stored in the cloud, you'll be able to continue your games from a friend's console simply by logging in. However, your friend's Xbox One console will require hourly access to the internet in order for you to keep on gaming remotely.

The other major topic covered by the new blog is second hand games. Microsoft will not charge you a fee for buying second hand games. However, the company is empowering developers (or more likely publishers) to make a decision on whether to allow second hand sales of their games.

It's possible for publishers to opt out of a pre-owned arrangement with retailers, or even to demand a fee from these retailers for handled copies of their games - which will obviously be passed on to you, the pre-owned customer.

You will be able to give (or sell) your disc-based games to a friend, but they have to have been on your Xbox friends list for at least 30 days, and each game can only be transferred once.

Next up, read about some of the Xbox One issues that could sink the ship.