Apple Watch demo site lets you try out the smartwatch

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apple watch demo site

Time flies when you're having fun

Can't wait to try out the Apple Watch? You don't have to. Head to and you can take the techy timepiece for a test drive right now.

The site is made by the people behind the Pipes news app. They're hard at work on a version optimised for Apple's first wearable, and thought it might be fun to make an online emulator for the device.

Use your mouse as you would your finger to swipe and move around the screen. Click on apps, and they'll open as if you'd tapped them. You can open a video app and watch a clip (of the Pipes app, natch), listen to music (though the only song on offer is Coldplay), read email, check out the settings, open Clash of Clans, and more.

To return to the homepage at any time, click the Digital Crown.

Read more: Apple Watch release date, price, features and battery life

Obviously it's a very limited demo. You can't play games, or toggle the settings, and clicking with a mouse doesn't come close to what it'll be like swiping and prodding with your finger. But nevertheless, it's a handy taster of what to expect.

Using the side menu, you can also view Glances and even add your own logo to the screen to see how it would look.

Apple unveiled its first wearable back in September. It will be out early this year, and while there's no concrete date set, we're expecting it sometime before the end of March. Expect the smartwatch market to explode.