Mass Effect Trilogy for Xbox One and PS4 being considered

Bioware has confirmed it is considering an Xbox One and PS4 version of the Mass Effect Trilogy.

The news comes from Bioware Edmonton and Montreal GM Aaryn Flynn, responding to a tweet from one fan eager to see a next-gen version of the original Mass Effect trilogy.

The question was whether the developer had considered releasing a 1080p 60fps version of the original Mass Effect trilogy for the Xbox One and PS4.

“We have discussed that internally. If we can put solid plans together we’ll share. Great to hear that you’re keen,” said Flynn on Twitter.

From what Flynn said, there are no definitive plans on putting together such a next-gen version of the game as yet, but it has already been something discussed within the Bioware team.

However, the Bioware Montreal is busy beavering away on the next Mass Effect title, which is currently being called Mass Effect 4, but will not come to market with such a title.

Although there’s been no definitive release date news, we are expected a significant announcement within the year.

So far all we know is that the game is already playable, seems “fresh but recognisable” and may not even relate to Shepard in the slightest.

Bioware Montreal has also released some teaser pics of the development team working away on the game, but didn’t actually give much new information away.

We expect there will be a Mass Effect 4 announcement and fresh details provided at E3 in June.

What do you think? Would you like to see a next-gen version of the original Mass Effect series to tide you over until the Mass Effect 4 release date?

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