Apple takes Samsung back to court, device prices could be affected

Apple is taking Samsung back to court for alleged software patent infringements, which could force Samsung device prices higher in the long run.

The latest court battle between the two tech giants sees Apple accuse Samsung of ripping off designs and features in five patents by Samsung devices sold in the US between 2010 and 2012.

Apple believes Samsung infringed patents relating to features like “slide to unlock” and the ability to call a number or go to a web address listing in web search results just by tapping it.

Samsung could be fined $2 billion (£1.2 billion) if the courts find in favour of Apple, which equates to around £25 per device.

Apple is also being sued by Samsung over infringements of two patents by the iPad and iPhone.

“There’s a widespread suspicion that lots of the kinds of software patents at issue are written in ways that cover more ground than what Apple or any other tech firm actually invented,” said Notre Dame law professor Mark McKenna. “Overly broad patents allow companies to block competition.”

However, what’s concerning for consumers is that if Samsung is found guilty of the patent infringement, we could see Samsung Galaxy device soar to cover the fines.

Samsung plans to bring Google into court to help back its arguments and explain how the South Korean developed its Android Touchwiq overlay of its own.

Apple started its legal battles with Samsung back in February 2012, and this latest trial is being overseen by the same Judge Lucy in California. The court filed in Apple’s favour in every account in that case, but Samsung is still appealing the verdict.

“Apple revolutionised the market in personal computing devices,” wrote Apple attorneys in the court filings. “Samsung, in contrast, has systematically copied Apple’s innovative technology and products, features and designs, and has deluged markets with infringing devices.”

But, of course, not to be outdone, Samsung also claimed to have broken technological barriers with its slight and lightweight mobile devices.

“Samsung has been a pioneer in the mobile device business sector since the inception of the mobile device industry,” wrote the Samsung attorneys. “Apple has coped many of Samsung’s innovations in its Apple iPhone, iPod and iPad products.”

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