Apple adds Sharing Selfies section to App Store

Apple has launched a new app category in the iOS App Store - the self-explanatory Sharing Selfies.

You’d be forgiven for thinking that the selfie was a brand new craze, given the hype surrounding Ellen DeGeneres’s star-studded Oscars 2014 snap.

Of course, those with a memory of more than a year or two will recall that even Hollywood’s fusty old awards ceremony acknowledged the phenomenon way back in 2011. For those who don’t, that was the awful James Franco one.

Apple is another American institution that has belatedly cottoned on to the selfie, having just launched a new Selfie Sharing category in its App Store.

There are only a dozen apps in the category at present, but it includes the well-known Snapchat. You also get Front Flash, which assists with those awkward low-light selfie moments, and Facetune, which helps with those 'help I’m ugly' selfie moments.

Samba is a video messaging app that records the other person’s reaction to watching your message, while SnapDash is a kind of social game that has you forming poses to fit certain scenarios.

Shots is backed by Justin Bieber, apparently. And that’s all we have to say about that one.

The new Selfie Sharing section is popping up on the App Store front page, with the apps contained within ranging in price between free and £1.99.

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Via: 9to5Mac