Top 5 Worst Tech Gadgets of 2013

The year is just about done, and with our annual TrustedReviews awards we’ve celebrated the best new technology of the year. However, what about the worst bits?

We don't generally see many truly bad products at TrustedReviews. Most big tech brands are smart enough to kill any stinkers before they reach the shops, while we don't see that many dodgy knock-offs around these parts.

This is, of course, a very good thing. The fact that serious tech brands rarely produce genuinly bad products anymore is something we should celebrate, but that doesn't mean it never happens.

Here we’ve rounded-up the top 5 stinkiest new gadgets we’ve looked at this year. Get your nose pegs ready.

Leave us a comment below if you’ve made a tech buy that you’ve deeply regretted this year.